A guy in the supermarket just asked me if I was a doordasher, which I at first thought was someone who filled their cart and fled the store without paying, until he patiently explained that it was a food delivery person, so I replied that I hadn’t yet had that pleasure, but what with the exigencies of the economy, the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, the uncertainty of royalty payments over the next decade or two and so on and so forth it would be foolish to rule anything out in the future, and he nodded, smiled a rictus smile and slowly but determinedly backed away, clearly regretting initiating our interaction, whilst I walked away invigorated and energized, almost to the point where I was tempted to leave without paying just to see what would happen, but of course my cursed morals wouldn’t let me, so that was another missed adventure, although I did, at least, get a long sentence out of it, albeit thankfully not in a prison.